Information Technology and Systems 2015
An IITP RAS Interdisciplinary Conference & School
September, 7-11, Olympic Village, Sochi, Russia
ISBN: 978-5-901158-28-9

Ðóññêèé | English












Troitskiy variant


Photo by Svetlana Vinogradova

Photo by Maria Efimova

Photo by Maria Efimova

Photo by Sergey Naybich


Photo by Dmitry Zotov

What is ITaS 2015?

"Information Technologies and Systems" (ITaS) is the annual interdisciplinary School and Conference of the Kharkevich Institute for Information Transmission Problems (IITP RAS). Back in 1966 the Institute, then under the aegis of the USSR Academy of Sciences, organized its first young scientists' conference, which since then became annual and took place thirty times until 1995. Then, after some hiatus, the tradition was resumed in 2007 when the conference was re-baptized with its current name, ITaS. The conference has spread far beyond IITP RAS, each year gathering hundreds of young scientists from leading Russian and foreign research centres and universities. Our traditional partner is MIPT, but such organizations as NRU HSE, Lobachevsky NNSU, Immanuel Kant BFU have also been the co-organizers of ITaS in various years.

ITaS provides scientists with a unique opportunity to exchange their research experience, to stimulate new ideas and discoveries. Young scientists from IITP RAS and other institutes can present their research results, attend the lectures given by leading scientists from all around the world and discuss the current open problems in diverse areas related to information transmission and processing in live and technical systems. Our recent guests include Chief Executive and Technical Officers from leading international companies, such as Airbus Group (formerly EADS), Worldsensing, Quantenna, the Russian department of Huawei, and Skolkovo resident companies, including Telum and Datadvance. Over the last 4 years ITaS has become a hospitable ecosystem for meetings of innovation companies' management and for “senior” theme conferences such as WiFlex 2013 and Yarbus 100 (2014).

ITaS, the multidisciplinary conference, includes various formats of interactive learning: from those common in academia to less formal ones, and up to truly innovative. Here the links between the fundamental research and the applied development are strengthened, here connections between different generations of researchers revitalize, here new theories and startups are born. Come participate in ITaS, a conference and school at the forefront of Russian science!

What is special about the School-Conference ITaS 2015?

The IITP RAS 39th interdisciplinary School-Conference “Information Technologies and Systems” is dedicated to the most significant challenges in the area of information technologies development. These challenges are divided into 3 platforms:

Within the bounds of each platform the following events are planned:

  • keynotes given by world renowned scientists (lectures will range from introductory, such as needed for multidisciplinary research, to in-depth accounts of specific issues),
  • scientific sessions, where young scientists will present their research results,
  • posters sessions,
  • panels and round tables dedicated to the most important issues of scientific and technological advance,
  • expert sessions led by leaders of scientific organizations and representatives of knowledge-intensive business.

Participants of the ITaS school-conference will also be able to visit the School-conference on mathematical theory of finance which will be held simultaneously with ITaS.

A special “My first paper” session will be organized for the youngest participants of the conference.